My blog has oficially died. It no longer exists…in writing nor in my mind. I felt I owed tribute to my blog since it is was alive for many years. Thank you to those you loved and supported my blog. You can remove it from your blogroll (if you already haven’t) as this will be the last.

I am sorry to disappoint it just seems that my blog cannot live on the lack of time I have for it.

Belton and Back

The plan all started when we had Barley. We decided he needed to meet Simon, Berkely, mom & dad. Then when all that changed we decided we still would like to make the trip. It had been since Christmas when we saw them. This may not seem like a long time, but after living with someone for 3 months it does.

So it was an overnight road trip to Belton and back, not even a full 24 hours. But we had a great time with the folks and the pets. Last night we sat on the patio by the fire. It was even my first time to wear a snuggie. It kept me warm but the while time I was thinking about the guy and his family lifting his hands and “raising the roof.”

But that was it. A quick trip to Belton with the usual dinner at chilis and trip to Harker Heights. But we had the most fabulous time with my parents!

For my friend CJ

Recently my friend CJ asked if I was still keeping this blog. I responded that my life was busy but with nothing new and interesting. My life semed and still seems to be set on repeat. Same schedule, same activities. Nothing I thought people would be interested in. But then it hit me. Thats for you to decide. The nature of blogs are to share and express opinions. You have the choice to follow what I have to share. So thanks to my friend CJ and my Feb5 resolution to stay more connected, here is my attempt. Thank you to those who care.

Take Me Home

Three years ago we made a big change in our life. Most of you are thinking about when we left for Romania. But what many don’t remember, or initially think about, is that we left behind our precious cat Dublin. For the past three years his home has been with my brother. Since we returned to the US I have been waiting for the moment when we can bring Dublin back home to us. The timing is now and this Saturday Dublin will be coming home. Thanks Richard for the wonderful video.

p.s. to watch the video check it out on my facebook page. i can’t get it to upload here.

Why I love SA

We have finally found a home. All those months of anticipation and wondering and job searching have led us here. Who would have thought we would end up back in Texas? We sure didn’t. But we are glad we did. For most of my life I have been connected to San Antonio. My mom went to High School here, my parents were married here, my grandfather and father served in the Air Force here and most recently, my grandparents were buried here. But for some reason, living here is opening my eyes to a whole new side of San Antonio and the great things it has to offer.

First of all, we LOVE our church. Baptist Temple has been an encouragement to us and has received us with warm and open hearts. We are blessed to be apart of such a loving church. Second, we love our location. We are living downtown, or as close to downtown as we could afford. Our apartment is a cozy little space with the most magnificent windows facing the city. We are in walking distance to the riverwalk, the library and other spots of interest downtown. For those places we can’t reach on foot, we have great access to the VIA, San Antonio’s public transit service.

As we have only been here 2 weeks, we are learning our way. Most of those days I am stuck inside, unpacking, organizing, doing schoolwork or looking for a job. But whenever we can we get out and explore. We went to the Art Museum, the Alamo, many trips to the Riverwalk, and other little trips down random streets just to see what there is. Wes already has a long list of restaurants he is eager to try.

My blog is about my life right now, which happens to be living and loving SA. It has been a journey so far and it will continue to be. I am just thankful this journey has brought us here.

We’re moving!

Well, it is official and I can finally blog about it. Wes was called by Baptist Temple Church in San Antonio as the Minister of Missions this past Sunday. So, next step is to make the move this week. Then after that, find me a job. You can check out the church at

If you want our new address, message me and I will send it. Thanks to everyone for your constant prayers and support during this time. If you are ever in San Antonio, let us know-we would love to see you!

October is Fair Trade Month

I received this email from Global Women and wanted to pass it along:

“Two billion people—a third of humanity—still survive on less than $2 a day. In addition to the challenges of global food shortages, economic shifts, and political instability, unfair trade rules keep many of these people in poverty.

Fair Trade is a people’s movement for change that aims to tip the balance of trade in favor of poor producers. Buying Fair Trade goods (like tea, coffee, and chocolate) is an important action that we can all take that helps create economic stability and directly combats one the major factors contributing to human trafficking — poverty.

So, get involved. Look for Fair Trade goods at your local grocery store, give them as gift to friends and family, and go to to learn more.”

A World without Romania


Got this email from our friend Mike Bergman, pastor at Hope Community and Director of Helping Hands Ministry. This a great local organization that Wes and my mom have been volunteering with. I wish my schedule allowed me to go more often. Please read the info, follow the instructions and VOTE!

Okay – here it is.  Helping Hands ministry is a finalist in an Office Furniture Promotional sponsored by a regional Office Supply Company.  This is a $25,000.00 package including furniture, equipment, and supplies.  The way we win is to receive the most on-line votes.  You can help us.  It doesn’t matter where in the world these votes come from.  One vote per e-mail address.  Go to  Follow the prompts regarding the contest.  Voting must be completed by midnight, September 20th.  If you will, vote, and then send an e-mail or use your facebook, or twitter to notify the people you know could also vote for us.  We need at least 10,000 votes to do this.  When you get to the site, there is some information about our organization.  You can also go to learn more about us.

Thanks for whatever you can do to help – Mike

Thank you, Tax free weekend!

I didn’t have a lot to buy this past weekend, but there were a few items on my wish/need list. So, like most Texans, I set out shopping on tax free weekend hoping for sales and the chance to save 8.25%. I didn’t find a lot but I did get something I have been wanting for a long time. A pair of running shoes. But unlike the past, this time I was fitted and measured for the right shoes. I have been training for a 5k (and hopefully farther in the future) and everywhere I read it recommends getting fitted.

So thank you, tax free weekend. I got a new pair of shoes and already got 3 miles worth of use out of them.
